Two Hurricanes Can't Deter Our Volunteers
Fresh Plantings Added In November 2025
Visit downtown Punta Gorda and watch the baby plants as they mature!

Punta Gorda in Bloom is a local non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation powered by Community Volunteers, The Alan and Barbara Schulman Foundation, The City of Punta Gorda and operating under the umbrella of Team Punta Gorda. Its mission is to beautify Punta Gorda's downtown via placement of decorative planters regularly maintained and updated with colorful and vibrant plants chosen for their climate durability and attractiveness.
Volunteers are essential to PGIB's success. New participants always welcome! Contact TEAM@TEAMPuntaGorda.org to find out how YOU can become part of this organization.
Watch our Award
Winning Video to Understand Our History!
Our Taylor St. Flower Fountain
Punta Gorda joined the national America in Bloom (AIB) program after identifying that AIB's vision, inspiration and support aligned with local objectives. The over 240 cities nationwide already in the program provided ample evidence of what can be achieved through community focus on the AIB mission and vision.
The AIB Mission and Vision:
America in Bloom (AIB) promotes nationwide beautification through education and community involvement by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, trees, and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements. We envision communities across the country as welcoming and vibrant places to live, work, and play – benefiting from colorful plants and trees; enjoying clean environments; celebrating heritage; and planting pride through volunteerism.
The National Awards Program:
Communities involved in the National Awards Program receive an in-person visit by a team of specially-trained judges who tour your community, meet leaders and volunteers, provide coaching and mentoring, and write a detailed evaluation that offers extensive recommendations for community transformation.
National Awards Criteria:
America in Bloom judges, will visit Punta Gorda on April 25&26, 2022, they will spend two days evaluating our community and providing a written evaluation based on first hand observations. The judges will evaluate our city in seven categories:
1. Community Vitality: Policies, programs, and outdoor activities and facilities that lead to a vibrant community and a sense of well-being. Includes parks, playgrounds, dog parks, sports fields, water activities, trails, and other outdoor recreational opportunities.

2. Flowers: Flowering annuals, perennials, bulbs, tropical plants, flowering topiaries, and colorful foliage and/or cut plant material for season-round interest in containers, hanging baskets, window boxes, raised planters, trellises, and in-ground beds.

3. Landscaped Areas: Plants and related programs for the leadership, design, installation, and maintenance of landscape (shrubs, ornamental grasses, vines, evergreen topiaries), turf, and groundcovers.
4. Urban Forestry: Trees and related programs for the leadership, management, design, installation, and maintenance on public and private lands.

5. Environmental Efforts: Environmental leadership, policies, plans and programs for resource conservation; pollution control; trash, recycling, and reuse; and alternative fuel vehicles.
6. Celebrating Heritage: Recognition, designation, protection, commemoration, and celebration of historical, cultural, natural, agricultural, and industrial resources.

7. Overall Impression: Adequate and effective amenities are provided in good condition, and the community is welcoming and beautiful.
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