Punta Gorda in Bloom News

24 Hearty Volunteers braved the cold on Feb. 8th to replant downtown.
The Punta Gorda in Bloom volunteers did it again. We began planting at 9am, and by about noon Taylor Street and Marion Avenue were home to just over 1,000 new summer annuals. Each volunteer was able to use their own creativity in the selection of plants as well as the colors in their planters.

Punta Gorda Wins the 2021 America in Bloom YouTube People’s Choice Video Award
Punta Gorda’s video was declared the official winner amongst seven contenders based on votes from across the United States. The win was decisive, capturing 39.6% of all votes. The win comes with a check for $1,500 to help fund future Punta Gorda in Bloom projects, along with national bragging rights.
The Punta Gorda video featured volunteer efforts to prepare and install Phase 1 floral plantings along Taylor St. downtown. A big thank you to the citizens of Punta Gorda for their support, both in voting for the video and in providing the encouraging feedback
That fuels the energy of the volunteer team.
Whether the video won or not, the Punta Gorda in Bloom (PGIB) team feels great pride about the accomplishments represented in the Bruce Tompkins produced video. This win and the recognition it brings to the city of Punta Gorda is especially gratifying.